Friday, February 3, 2017

A Joyfully Surrendered Wife

A joyfully surrendered wife carries herself with confident dignity. The kind of dignity that comes from pride in her man and a singleness of mind to honor him and make him proud of her.

For you will never find more powerful woman than the one who lets her husband rule over her.
You will never find a stronger woman than one who draws her strength from surrender.
You will never find a more confident woman that the woman who lives only to please her man.
You will never find a more contented woman than one who has freely given her man charge over herself.
You will never find a more fulfilled woman than the one who seek only to fulfill her man’s desires.
And you will never find a more free woman than the one who has freed herself of every care, save pleasing her man.
You will never find a more peaceful woman than the one who has fully surrendered to her husband.
You will never find a more whole woman than the one whose desire is for her husband and he rules over her (Genesis 3:16).

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New Research on DD

PLEASE NOTE: A reader pointed out to me that the link to the study is now dead. indeed it is. It seems to have been scrubbed from the site...