Earlier this year I posted a question about how people practice DD with children in the home. I got many great answers, many of them I pasted into that post. But one seemed unique and rather long. SO I posted a part of it there and have posted the whole thing as a testimony, here:
Dearest Lisa, I do not understand what the issue is here. As I've read the replies of your readers it looks like they all have very creative ways of keeping secrets from their children, but why? If DD is the way God designed that marriages should be happy, shouldn't we want to be good role models to our children?
My husband and I started DD far before it was a "thing." We found the Biblical counsel and tried it and found the positive results that everyone on this page knows so well. When we had our first child we never considered hiding

s from her, anymore than we would hide, hugs, kisses and complements. After all DD is just another expression of love "whom the Lord LOVES, he rebukes and chastens." In fact 3 days after she was born, my husband soundly


right in front of her. After he finished, I had to stand in the corner while I nursed her.
Another time I had enabled my three girls to disobey their father. He had all four of us strip from the waist down and stand in time out against the wall. Then he called us out of the corner, one by one youngest to oldest and

us. The girl's

was worse than her younger sister. when it was my turn he tanned my hide even harder. That day all the feminine bottoms were sore and all the feminine eyes puffy.
We have raised five children, three girls and two boys. We raised them in a very loving home where there was a clear role order. The kids didn't think it was strange when I was

anymore than when they were. We taught then that discipline was kept in the family and that they were never to speak of it outside our family.
We had a very authority structure. I was over the kids, my husband was over me, and God was over him. As a stay at home mom I was the most common one to

the kids, although my husband did so when needed, especially if they disrespected me. My husband was the only one to

me. When the older children got old enough to babysit their siblings, they were permitted to

their siblings only when I or my husband had set them in charge. The only question that the kids often asked was "who

s Daddy?" We would respond that God is the one who dicsiplines daddy.
When our boys reached puberty, my husband took a stronger role in their dicsipline, and

became less common. He favored punishments that better reflected how a man is corrected, including fines, restriction, and extra hard-work. He trained them to be fine, strong men, who are not fine strong husbands and fathers. Our girls were subject to our paddle until they got married, at which time their discipliin would be handled by their new husband, for better or worse.
Our children grew up happy and healthy. Our family was admired by all around, and many a jealous parent, would bemoan her bad fortune in not having such well behaved, happy kids and me.
Four of the five kids sought out spouses who would continue the DD lifestyle. It was funny seeing the looks in our girl's suitors' faces when they learned about DD. Many cut off relationships, over it, but eventually our two youngest daughters found wonderful, strong men who would truly love them As God intends. At their weddings, my husband gave each girl a final ceremonial

(not too painful) before she put on her wedding dress, then as they left for their honeymoon he ceremonially transferred discipliin authority to their husband by handing him a paddle. Our youngest got a

on her wedding night.
We were surprised how easy it was for our son's girlfriends to accept the idea of DD. Our sons are such gentlemen that these young ladies fully trusted their them, and the thought of having them discipline them after marriage gave them peace. In cafe one of them, began crying when they heard about it and said she wished her family had cared that much for her. She didn't want to wait until the wedding to enter into DD, but she had too. On their wedding nights our boys both established DD by

their wives as soon as they were undressed from their wedding gown.
All four of these couples have practiced DD openly in their home from the beginning and have amazing marriages and wonderful kids.
Our eldest child, was the only one to protest. She didn't think it was fair that her younger brother didn't get

(very often) after he passed puberty while she still faced the paddle as long as she was in our house. She believed the feminist lies and while she didn't really resent being

, per se, she resented the difference that was made between boys and girls. So she ended up leaving the home at 18 and going to college in another state. When she would come home on breaks she made it clear that, as a legal adult, she would not consent to DD. She found and married a weak man who let her rule the roost and never even told him about DD. She had kids whom she refused to physically discipline as well. Her's was a stress -filled marriage and her kids were disobedient, and unhappy. She had an amazing career and made lots of money; but money didn't buy happiness. While she still loved our family, she refused any advice, I would offer, so I finally gave up offering it. Eventually her marriage fell apart. She divorced him, then she married another man like the first. Only 2 years after that marriage, her second husband left and divorced her, thankfully there were no children born in that marriage. My daughter came crying to me. "What can I do? My life's a wreck." I told her, "I think you know what you need to do, but you have to be willing to submit." Broken, she repented, accepted Jesus' salvation and submitted again to her father's discipline. She began to see amazing changes. She felt the need to repent to her husbands too. Her second husband refused to hear her. But her first husband saw the change in her life and happily forgave her. As they interacted over their children's needs he saw a completely different woman than the one who had divorced him. This time she was the sweet girl he had fallen in love with when they were high school sweethearts. They began dating again and she told him about domestic dicsipline. They were re-married 18 months later in a private ceremony for the family at our house. She asked her daddy to give her a ceremonial

before she got her wedding gown on, just like her sisters had gotten. Then instead of waiting for after the reception to transfer authority, she asked her daddy, my husband, to give her the paddle he had

her with. He thought that was strange, but gave it to her anyway. She carried it up the isle. When it was her turn to say her vows, she went off script. First she addressed the family gathered there. She apologized to my husband and me for resisting discipliin and being so hard headed. She apologized to her siblings, nieces and nephews for setting a bad example and said, "Let my sad life be an example to you all of what worldly values can bring." Then she apologized to her children for causing them such pain and not properly disciplininng them. There was not a dry eye in the house. Finally she turned to her husband and apologized to him. Then she said her vows. She vowed to love, honor, and obey him. She also vowed to humbly submit to him and his discipliin. "When I first got married, I took the paddle from my daddy and kept it for myself. I wanted my own way. Now I, by my own will, hand it over to you." she said handing him the paddle her daddy had just ceremonially

her with. Turning to her brother, who was the officiating minister, she said, "In light of the vows I have broken in the past and the vows I have made today, I think it's important to begin this marriage, the second time, with a clean slate. So instead of saying "You may kiss your bride," please say "You may

your bride" As we saw he humbly submit to her husband, there was not a dry eye in the house. That was especially true for my oldest daughter who soon had two reasons to cry. Because as soon has they exchanges rings, her brother said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now

your bride." Her husband took her by the hand and led her to a chair where he proceeded to uncover her bottom and give her the

of her life in front of the whole family. After the

, her husband led her, still bawling and doing a

dance, to the front, where her brother made the traditional introduction "It is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. ******." We all cheered and he took her to the bedroom to comfort her after her

They now have a wonderful marriage and their children have become happier and better behaved children now that they have their own dicsipline, and with happy parents with a mom who submits. Their children say they don't want it any other way. As for my daughter and her husband, they seem to be making up for lost time. she gets at least one

a week. I think she is kind of turned on by being over his knee, because I've seen her act up, seemingly just to tease him.
Now all my family openly practices DD. and although I've even been

in front of my grand children, and I have no doubt that my husband would not hesitate to do so again if needed.
I hope this helps answer your question.
--Happy Grandma!
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