Monday, October 23, 2017

Women are still Women and men, men: research shows.

In a recent article on Fox News, Suzanne Venker cites new research showing that even in the face of a full on attack on traditional marital roles, women still tend to like the "old fashioned" femininity.

Venker says, "That is not to say no married couple can successfully navigate a role reversal. It is only to say that it’s rare. Even today, approximately 30 percent of married women with children choose not to be employed— and in families where both parents are employed, “70 percent consist of fathers who earn more than mothers.”
That’s because it’s natural for a woman to want to depend on her man, and it is not natural for a man to depend on a woman. No matter how hard that is to hear, or how politically incorrect it may be, it still stands."
Venker is correct. God made women and men different. And it is devaluing to women to deny that!
In fact research done by the University of Illinois, showed a "a statistically significant and substantial difference in depressive symptoms between men and women in our study,” (Karen Kramer, University of Illinois). This difference was that women were less happy when they were not on traditional roles. Depression rose as women's salary did, while men, had the most happiness and mental health when their incomes rose. 
Venker concludes: Societal attitudes may have changed, but human nature has not. Perhaps it’s time we surrendered."
That's exactly what I advocate in this blog. Let's make the new feminism one where women are proud of their unique abilities and value their husbands' as well!
Read the whole article here

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New Research on DD

PLEASE NOTE: A reader pointed out to me that the link to the study is now dead. indeed it is. It seems to have been scrubbed from the site...