Hello and welcome to my new blog. I'm not sure how much I'll be able to post but I hope to keep things going for a while. I'd love to connect online with other wives who practice DD.
This site is dedicated to discussing the joyful life experienced by women who practice Biblical Submission and Domestic Dicsipline. This site is free of

I hope to not only share my ideas but also other women's experiences. You can email me your experiences and questions at lisasjoydd@gmail.com. Don't worry, I'll change your name before posting anything you send to keep everything anonymous.
About Me
I suppose you may want to know a little about me, why I am worth reading: I am a happily married housewife. I love my hubby who is strong and leads our family. Ever since I decided to practice Biblical submission I have finally felt fully alive and happy as a woman.
I used to be a miserable feminist, always trying to strive compete against men. But when I finally decided to accept my place as a woman, and appreciate my husband's place as a man, I found true simple joy for the first time since I was an innocent little girl.
I have found it extremely freeing to submit to my husband's leadership and let him be the one in charge. I have promised to love, honor, respect, obey and submit to him at all times, and he helps me by encouraging me when I do right and bringing consequences when I do wrong. I am not a masochist, I don't enjoy pain, and every time he summons me over his knee, I cry and regret what brought me there. But even while in that submissive position I feel loved and his exercise of control and my helplessness over his knee, remind me that I don't have to strive to be in charge. I can rest safely (though sometimes painfully) in his strong hands, which is exactly how I like it.
I truly believe that God created women to be a help meet to their husband and the reason we have so many unhappy stressed women in this world is because they think it beneath them to fully submit.
God told Eve that her desire would be for her husband and he would rule over her. When a woman makes her primary desire her husband and willingly accepts his rulership, she will be happy and free. I'm a testimony of that fact.
About Me
I suppose you may want to know a little about me, why I am worth reading: I am a happily married housewife. I love my hubby who is strong and leads our family. Ever since I decided to practice Biblical submission I have finally felt fully alive and happy as a woman.
I used to be a miserable feminist, always trying to strive compete against men. But when I finally decided to accept my place as a woman, and appreciate my husband's place as a man, I found true simple joy for the first time since I was an innocent little girl.
I have found it extremely freeing to submit to my husband's leadership and let him be the one in charge. I have promised to love, honor, respect, obey and submit to him at all times, and he helps me by encouraging me when I do right and bringing consequences when I do wrong. I am not a masochist, I don't enjoy pain, and every time he summons me over his knee, I cry and regret what brought me there. But even while in that submissive position I feel loved and his exercise of control and my helplessness over his knee, remind me that I don't have to strive to be in charge. I can rest safely (though sometimes painfully) in his strong hands, which is exactly how I like it.
I truly believe that God created women to be a help meet to their husband and the reason we have so many unhappy stressed women in this world is because they think it beneath them to fully submit.
God told Eve that her desire would be for her husband and he would rule over her. When a woman makes her primary desire her husband and willingly accepts his rulership, she will be happy and free. I'm a testimony of that fact.
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