Monday, January 1, 2018

Follow Up: SJ's Christmas

I emailed SJ, to see how her second Christmas since beginning DD went. You may remember her husband started DD on Christmas morning. You can read the full story here Anyway, I was curious to see how things went. Here’s her reply. As you can see, she had a lot to say!
Dear Lisa,
Sorry I didn’t respond earlier. JJ said he didn’t want me distracted with the internet while he was home on Christmas vacation, so I didn’t get your email till today. Yes, JJ had to work New Years Day, but it’s ok he had Christmas through New Years Eve off!

As I’m writing this I’m sitting on a veeery sore bottom, not just because of my sound spanking last night, but because he told me I had to stay bare all day and could only sit on my new time out stool today, and boy is it painful. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

As I told you, I was optimistic about Christmas this year because there were presents for me well in advance of Dec 25. But on Christmas morning I was very nervous, because, like an idiot, I’d earned myself three spankings in the past week, including one on Christmas Eve, and I just knew he’d decide that merited me a place on Santa’s  list again this year.

When morning came I waited in bed as long as I could, dreading what I’d find. Finally JJ called me downstairs. He’d made pancakes for us, how sweet! As I sat at the table to eat breakfast, I nervously thought this might be the last time I’ll want to sit down today. My husband, noticed my uneasiness and asked if anything was wrong. “I-I’m just afraid of what’ll be in those presents.” I admitted.

“Why?” he asked, “You’ve been a pretty good girl this year!”

“B-but, I got three s this week…”

“Oh, SJ, dear” he said comfortingly, “But you’ve already been punniished for those things, its all over and forgotten. Santa only counts  that you haven’t been puunisheed for. You aren’t hiding anything are you?”

“No, sir.” I said, feeling a bit better.

After breakfast we went into the living room and opened presents. The stoking had some lotion, and bath soaps (I love those things.) I had given JJ some hand tools in his stocking. I had three presents from JJ, aka Santa. Before I opened them, JJ told me to open the card from Santa. It read:

                Dear SJ,
                I am happy to find your name back on the nice list. My records indicate that you have been quite  this year but your husband has been a great  for you so that’s covered. I hope you enjoy the gifts I have chosen for you. However, since your place on the nice list was made possible only by many s from your husband, I think that I should also help him keep you in line once again. I’m afraid the largest gift will not be to your liking, but I think it will be very helpful.
My new dress is very much like this one,
 Isn't it pretty?
              Love, Santa Clause.
I bit my lip as I began opening my presents. One was nutribullet, I’ve been wanting one of them for a
while. Then there was a beautiful white dress. I put it on and modeled it for JJ. It fits perfectly and goes down to mid-thigh. JJ says I look adorable in it.
Finally I nervously opened the large package. I gasped. It was a tall, wooden three legged stool. The entire seat had been covered by that plastic office chair mat stuff, with the poky side up! A note explained that it was a time out stool, and that I must always be  on it.

JJ and I have a custom that we always try out our gifts right away, so JJ pulled my  off and plopped me on the stool. Yeaoch!! Those spikes really hurt as they press into my  flesh. To make matters worse, this retched stool has no back that I can lean against to relieve the pressure on my bottom, and the legs are just high enough that I can barely reach the rungs with my toes, so I can’t use my feet to lift me off the tortuous thing.  I immediately began pleading with him to let me off, but he made me stay there for 5 minutes! I was in tears when he finally let me off. I think it hurt more than a  would have.

This is how I image the horrid stool
looking, but SJ didn't send a pic. 
That’s when I found out some more bad news. That beautiful white dress has a dual purpose. It’s a nice pretty dress, but it also has buttons on the back so the back side can be buttoned up exposing my  . JJ told me that it’s a  dress and if I’ve been  I will be told to wear it. Around the house I must have the back buttoned up, and in public I can put the back down. And he also told me that I may never wear underwear under it, even if I’m not in trouble and just wearing it because I want too. He made me wear it up all morning, showing the little red dots left by the stool, until we got in the car to go to my parents for our yearly Christmas feast.

Even though I had not been  this christmas, being there with no panties under my short dress, made me feel very self-conscience. I was on my best behavior, I can assure you. All in all we had a great Christmas, and once we got home, JJ made me re-button my dress and we had a very romantic evening.

Every time I saw that stool I would shutter. It had hurt so bad for just a few minutes, I couldn’t imagine being  after having to sit on that thing for a while, or even worse, having to sit there after I’d been . The threat kept me on my toes, all the  I’d struggled with before Christmas was brought into submission by the sight of that horrid stool.

The rest of the week was uneventful. We had a wonderful time together and I managed to avoid getting into trouble. JJ has promised me that he will only use the stool for really bad punishments.

Yesterday, which, as you know, was New Year’s Eve, JJ wanted me to wear my new dress to church. Of course that meant I had to be pantieless. We were busy with friends all day, and I was constantly reminded of my submission as I felt that  dress rub against my  . At about 10 o’clock, JJ excused us from the party we were at and took me home. Our friends thought it was kind of odd to leave a new year’s eve party so early, but JJ just told them that he had to work in the morning.

When we got home, however, he told me that he intended to continue the tradition we had started last year. I was puzzled, then he reminded me that I had spent the last hour of the year crying over his knee to clear the record of the year. He told me that I should expect this to be our tradition every year from now on. 

I begged him not to  me. But he just ordered me to the corner. I begged, pleaded and promised all the way to the corner. Then he warned me that if I didn’t straighten up, he’d let me sit on the stool until 11. So I obeyed.

We still had more than half an hour before 11 so while I stood in time out, He turned on the TV to watch the New Year’s Eve festivities. He told me that I was getting a sound  tonight no matter what, so I should spend the time in time out thinking of anything I need to confess, before the year ends. 

At 10:50 he ordered me to get my paddle (the one from last Christmas) and bring it to him. I had to kneel before him and confess everything I could think of. There wasn’t much, JJ had been quite the , but I did have some things, mostly bad thoughts I had harbored and juicy gossip I’d spread. 

Then at 10:59, he made me lay over his knee. A clock with a second hand counted time. At exactly 11:00 the first swat fell. Like last year he  hard and fast until I was bawling, then he lightened up enough to keep me crying but not too hard. During the last 10 minutes he began  soundly again, this time with the paddle. He  hard, and I as soon bawling and begging him to stop. He counted down the last 10 seconds with exceptionally hard swats to my sit spot then the ball dropped on TV signaling the beginning of  2018, he held and let me cry out all my  from the past year. We went to bed that morning with a clean slate.

I’m not sure I like this new tradition, but I do know I love our new life. Today he told me that I cannot sit or lay on anything but the stool. He also has kept me in the dress, with the backside up of course. I don’t know what he has planned for tonight, but I do know I’ll have very sore feet, because I just cannot sit on that horrid stool. In fact, I’m writing this standing up right now. I couldn’t handle sitting after the first couple of paragraphs.

Well’ I’d better get off, I hope you had a great holiday season. Thanks for asking how mine was, all in all it was great, I only told you the bad parts, but the rest was wonderful. I had JJ to myself for almost a whole week! I can’t wait until he gets home today.


01/05/2018 Post Script... SJ sent me this tearful update on the stool. It seems she finally felt it's full force today. 


Hi Lisa, I just thought I'd let you know, I got my first punishment with the horrid stool yesterday. 

While JJ and I were out in town, I acted up royally. JJ told me, “The minute we get home, I expect you to put your  dress on, buttoned up, and sit your butt on the stool!”

When we got home, He sent me in to get ready while he unloaded the car. I gingerly slipped my  off and the  dress on, the backside was already buttoned up. Then I miserably made my way into the living room. I stared at the stool, but just couldn’t bring myself to put myself through such torture. I just stood there. 

“SJ! I told you to get on the stool, young lady!” he said as he went out to get another load. But by the time he came back in, I was still standing there trying to work up the courage. He walked over, lifted me up and plopped me down on the horrid thing. The points bit into my  . I felt like I was on fire. JJ took his time bringing everything in while I cried on the stool. 

When he finally finished, he sat comfortably on the couch to watch TV. The show provided a little distraction, until he noticed I was watching and turned the stool so I was facing the corner. When the show was finally over, He called me over. I was relieved to be off the stool, I didn’t think the  I was about to get could possibly be as bad. Boy was I wrong!

After scolding me, he put me over my knee and began to  my already sore . Each swat seemed to be a fire brand as it rained down on my tenderized skin. I have no idea how long it was or how many s w a t s he applied, but it was by far the worst  I’ve ever gotten. 

When it finally ended, he comforted me for a few minutes then, before I had even finished crying, he reminded me that I had not obeyed when he told me to sit on the stool. He said that refusing a punishment is a serious offense. Then he picked me up and sat me back down on the horrid stool. I don’t even know how to describe the pain of those points pressing into my recently tenderized and freshly  bottom. 

I cried so hard, I didn’t even know that he was watching TV until the show was half over. Finally after the show finished, he called me back over, made me apologize for resisting my time out, and gave me five final s w a t s. When he was finally done, he held me close and I probably cried for an hour. 
My  is still sore this morning but surprisingly it's not bruised!

I hope I never have to go through that again. 

New Research on DD

PLEASE NOTE: A reader pointed out to me that the link to the study is now dead. indeed it is. It seems to have been scrubbed from the site...