We set a certain time period in which my clothing is my Hubby's Choice. This may be a weekend, a month or even a year, however long we set. during that time my hubby decides everything I wear every day. Of course, I have submitted everything, including my clothing, to my Hubby so if he asks me to wear or not wear something I'll happily obey. But during this game, I will not put on any clothes he hasn't chosen.
He has made a small corner of my closet with a short hanging rack and a small shelf, where he puts my clothes for the day. In the morning I get up and check the closet. Whatever I find there, I wear that day, at least until he removes it that night ;-) .
We have made laminated cards that he uses to help guide my dressing. So if he wants to choose my dress for the day, but doesn't care about my u n d e r w e a r he just hangs the dress on the rod and
puts the "Wife's Choice: Under wear" and "Wife's Choice: Footwear" card on the shelf. I put on the dress he chose and wear whatever I want underneath.
Some days he will put the "Wife's Choice: Clothing" card on the shelf. That means I can dress whatever way I want to that day. Often I try to come up with some surprise for him. If he puts the "Wife's Choice: Clothing" card on the table but adds a blouse or some under wear I must wear that but can choose any other garments.
There is also a card he uses often,

"No P a n t i e s" that combined with a "Wife's Choice: Clothes" card or a "Wife's Choice: Skirt" card means I can dress how I want, within the parameters, but not wear
I have a card I use to let Hubby know I'm on my period. He still has the right to restrict underwear and I just wear a t a m p o n but normally he doesn't exercise that right.
We also have some agreed upon ground rules. If it is cold, I may wear whatever I need to when I'm outside to keep warm. And I have a basic full length that I throw on over whatever if I really must go outside quickly and am not modest. If I need to go to town or something, and he has me wearing something inappropriate for public, I must call Hubby and ask permission to change for the outing. He will normally grant the permission, but he has been known to say no and I must simply stay home. If I do get special permission, the moment I get back home I revert to his chosen clothing for me. If he has me undressed and I'm inside, being cold is no excuse, I must simply turn up the heat in the house, until I'm comfortable.
The cards are the exception, not the rule. With the exception of the "Wife's Choice: Clothing" card which he uses a lot. normally if he's choosing my clothes, he lays it all out for me.
We find it a very enjoyable game. And I have warn some very interesting selections. One time, he had me wear nothing but a short skirt. Another time he had me dressed up as If I were going to a ball from the waist down. on top, nothing. Another time I wore just his t-shirt, which was a dress on me, for three days. A few weeks ago he had me wearing nothing but high heels and pigtails.
One time I found nothing on the rod or on the shelf. I assumed that he had forgotten and intended to put out the "Wife's Choice: clothing" card, which is his most common card. so I got dressed as normal. When he got home I discovered that he HAD planed what I was to wear--nothing! He proceeded to undress me one piece at a time and one button at a time giving me a solid S W A T after each one, then once I was appropriately

I'll explain the cards and how it works below, also here's a ZIP file of the cards we use, in case you want to give this game a try. ZIP FILE

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