___________________________Marriage Advice______________________
Growing up I knew my family was happier than most. Other kids often wanted to visit my family because we had genuine love in our home. My mom kept the house and raised us kids and my dad worked to make a living. My dad was definitely in charge. Looking back, I can see evidence that they practiced DD. When mom would get testy or do something wrong, we would inevitably end up going put to bed early or sent to visit the neighbors. When we'd get home, everything would be fine again and mom and dad would seem happier than before. I never bothered to wonder why, I just had peace in knowing that my parents always worked things out quickly.
When I started seriously dating and found a guy that I was pretty sure was the one, Dad took Jay on a hunting trip leaving mom and me home to have "girl time." Mom began telling me about how to make a happy home. I naturally understood Biblical roles, and the job of a housewife to care for her family. My mom had modeled that so well that it came natural to me. But I was shocked when she told me about DD. She told me that when I get married I should expect my husband to take me over his knee if I got out of line; that this was an essential part of how they kept our family so happy. I wondered if she ever

Jay also seemed a little different too. I later found out that Dad had given him a similar talk about how to be a good husband and had introduced him to the principles of DD. Jay had always been the strong leader/protector type, after all my role model for what to look for in a man had been my dad, but after that hunting trip, Jay took a stronger lead in our relationship, and I liked it.
Jay proposed a the next weekend, and I began in earnest learning everything about being a wife, from my mom.
Just before the wedding, My dad told me, "BB, Today I'll give you away to another man. I will no longer be in charge of you, he will. Jay is a good man, and I am happy to entrust you to him. Remember to be obedient, respectful and submissive and you will be a very happy woman. And if you have conflicts, remember to submit to his leadership. He answers to God, you answer to him."
After the wedding, as we were about to go to our honeymoon sweet, Dad handed my a wrapped package with the instructions for me to give it to Jay as soon as we were settled into our room.
When he opened the package we found a large old fashioned wooden hairbrush. it had a note attached to it. I still have the note, and the hairbrush, It read,
"Dear BB and Jay,
This hairbrush has two sides. One side is for BB to keep her hair in line the other side is for Jay to keep BB in line.
As you embark on this new journey together I suggest you both use it for its intended uses tonight.
Jay, it is important that you establish yourself as BB's
from the start. You need to make sure that you begin your marriage with a clean slate. Don't let this night end her bawling over your knee, to clear out any
behavior she exhibited before your wedding.

BB, you should obediently hand the brush to jay and submit to his
. When he is done
you your hair will probably be disheveled, as soon as he lets you, take the hairbrush into the bathroom and wash your face, reapply your makeup and use the hairbrush to fix your hair. When you reenter the room you must present your best to him.

Our blessings on your happy marriage!
Love Dad and Mom"
Jay set the hairbrush on the bed and guided me to stand in front of him as he sat on the bed. Turning me around he admired me in my dress. Then he began slowly and deliberately removing my clothes, complementing my beauty with every revelation. Finally I stood there completely
except my veil, which he had put back over my face. Having him undress me and scrutinize and praise me
made me feel very submissive and humble, yet happy and proud at the same time. Then he said, "BB, I think your parent's are right, we need to get this marriage off to a good start, and that includes clearing your record." He stood up and led me to the corner, and made me stand there in time out and instructed me to think of every single
thing I had done while we were dating. He said I was to confess them to him and he would clear my conscience with the hairbursh. As I stood there in the corner, I was very humbled. It took a while for my nerves to relax enough to make me think but by the time he asked if I was ready to come out of the corner, I had quite a list.

He called me out of the corner and had me stand, once more in front of him. "Do you have anything to confess, so that everything could be cleared up with one
?" he asked in a authoritative tone. I was totally flustered. I began to cry. I looked down at my toes and began tearfully reciting my list, in a quiet voice. Jay lifted my chin so that I had to look at him and instructed me to speak up. When I had finally made it through my list, Jay had a few more things to add. He scolded me briefly and told me that he would never again allow my list to get so long. Then he said, "Ok, BB, it's time, hand me the hair brush and lay over my knee."

I obediently complied, "Not to hard this time, ok? It's our wedding night" I begged, hoping he would only give a ceremonial swat or two.
"Honey, I'm afraid, you produced quite a long list, you deserve a very sound
, and That's what I intend to give you. But no matter how hard I
you tonight, know that you're getting of easy, because any one of these offenses would have earned you a
had we been married!"

And with that he commenced a very sound
. one of the hardest ones I'd ever received up to that time. by the time he was done, I was a mess, my makeup was running all over the place, my hair was disheveled, and I was bawling like a baby. He held me in his lap to comfort me and assured me that I was all forgiven and that my slate was now totally clean.

When I was finally ready to get up I went into the bathroom to clean up, Jay followed handing me the hairbrush, "don't forget you are to use it too!" he said with a wink, then closed the door giving me privacy.
In the bathroom I looked at my
in the mirror and was shocked at how brightly it glowed. I rubbed it for a while and cried a little more. I was surprised to find that, unlike after Mom and Dad had
me as a child, I felt really peaceful and happy, I also felt very turned on. It felt good to be sumbissive. I felt stick from the sweat of my ordeal and decided to take a quick cool shower. After, I did my hair, handling the hairbrush with care, and reapplied my makeup. Then I reached for my wedding night outfit, which I had planned to wear. Taking a look at my
body and glowing
. I hung the outfit back up, deciding I could use it another day. Then I made my grand appearance wearing only my best-nothing. That was the best night of my life!

That was the beginning of a wonderful marriage. My parents were right, submission and DD are the key to a happy home!
--Blushing Bride.
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