***I Am A Feminist***
So let me start by saying the one thing, that confuses everyone, "in the know", about my obedient lifestyle. I am a feminist. Please allow me to explain.
Regarding the first wave of feminism, "suffrage", with the singular, fight for the right, to vote. If inmates are given the right to vote, regardless of their crime, I do not see more harm, in allowing, single, and/or widowed, mothers, to vote for their children's future, or their sick and/or senior parents' and family's future. That said, I am not political, and while I do partake in the act of voting, it is only "if", "when", and "for", whomever my Husband tells me to vote.
The second wave, feminism, was categorized by bra burning, and allowing women to obtain, and maintain careers, and to fight against true injustices, such as rape and harassment. I've not worn a bra since my Husband told me not to, as bras, not only disfigure the breast over time, they also cause breast cancer, all for the sake of public vanity. My sweet Husband, refuses me that risk.
Regarding career choices, I do indeed have a career, as my Husband's wife. The pay, (being in a diamond solid, healthy, loving, joyous, and easy relationship) is far more rewarding, than any cash amount, anyone could pay me.
Regarding the fight against rape and harassment, I am, of course, very grateful. I agree 101%, with the right to do as I choose with my body. It was entirely my choice, to hand over that right, to my Husband. While my Husband is welcome to use my body for his pleasures, that is only because I chose him to be my Husband. Both choices I have not regretted, even once, in the decades we have been together. I am honoured to be obedient to him, but I am certainly not obedient to other men, and these are the men that feminists, thankfully, fought to protect us from.
The third wave, has for the most part, been about women encouraging the right to be treated exactly the same as men, which I do not relate to or agree with. As, feminists have, not only won the right to replace men in the workforce, they have also won the right to fight in the army, and won the right to bare b r e a s t s in public, as men bare chests. In Ontario, Canada, women have won the right to be completely topless, in any public place that allows men to be shirtless. What more can feminists fight for....to lose the "fem" in feminist..? Soon, the word "feminist" will be left to the pages of history books.
... Or ...
Will they have they left the term to us? Might we be the new feminists? Fighting for the right to be feminine again? They do have a wing, campaigning for men's rights. I do indeed love that, and I can stand firmly behind it. My opinion, is that we, the obedient wives, surrendered wives, stepford wives, and sub missive wives, are indeed, the new feminists. A feminist being categorized as a "one fighting for a women's right, to be whomever they wishes to be". My choice, is to be an obedient wife, why should it not be accepted as the next fight for feminists?
Rather than fight against those who have nothing more to fight for, I'd like to think that we will take the torch, and fight for the right to be obedient feminine wives. To choose to be obedient, without our husbands having to fear the social injustice, and judgments, made by those who do not know, or believe, that we chose to love, honour, and obey.