Suzanne Venker, Writing for Fox News, revealed that new research from University of Illinois shows that couple's who try to practice sameness in marriage have worse mental health. Even in our society that madly pushes the idea that women should be the master of their own destiny and not depend on their husbands, research shows that women still prefer to depend on their husbands and husbands still prefer to be the chief bread winners on the family. When a woman's income goes up, so do her symptoms of depression. At the same time, a man's mental health is at its best when he is the primary bread winner.

Here are some excerpts:
"New research at the University of Illinois examined data on nearly 1,500 men and 1,800 women between the ages of 52 and 60 and found that couples who resist traditional gender roles, or who shoot for a so-called equal marriage, are less happy than those who swim with the tide."
Researchers Karen Kramer and Sunjin Pak found that when women’s paychecks increased, they reported more symptoms of depression. But the opposite effect was found in men: their psychological well-being was highest when they were the primary wage-earners.Kramer is quoted in the article this way:
“We observed a statistically significant and substantial difference in depressive symptoms between men and women in our study,” said Kramer. “The results supported the overarching hypothesis: well-being was lower for mothers and fathers who violated gendered expectations about the division of paid labor, and higher for parents who conformed to these expectations.”Some other gems from this article:
Giving birth is a woman’s unparalleled accomplishment—her first instinct is to provide for that child physically and emotionally. A man’s first instinct is to protect and to provide for that child. That’s his unparalleled accomplishment.
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