Saturday, October 28, 2017

DD May Have Saved My Life!

DD May Have Saved My Life!

Ever since the Las Vegas Shootings I have been thinking a lot about life, and how my life is different than it was 9 years ago. I have been hesitant to write anything, because I don't want to in anyway detract from what the families of the victims are going through, nor do I want to make light of it. But had it not been for DD, Hubby and I might have been shot too.

I've always had a secret passion for country music. Of course, upstate New York is not the place you find a huge County music fan club. Some of my friends think I'm nuts! My Hubby puts up with it because he knows it makes me happy, and he loves to make me happy.

Well, when I heard that Eric Church, Sam Hunt, Jason Aldean, Jake Owen and Lee Brice were all planning to be at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, I just had to go!

Hubby said he'd always wanted to see the West, so he bought tickets and decided to take our first trip to Vegas. I had been super excited about the trip, and even planed some "special surprises" for hubby in the hotel.

But just two weeks before we were to leave, Hubby told me that he had been praying and felt impressed that we should not go. He had spend a lot of time in prayer about it and it seemed clear that, for some reason, we were not to go to this concert. I was truly disappointed. Of course, two weeks later, I was very happy that I had heeded my husband's leadership and submitted to his decision. This very well may have saved our lives. That made me think about how this would have happened in different periods of our marriage.

Before we practiced DD, if my hubby had told me that he believed we should not go, I would have thrown a fit, and demanded that he not back out. He would have caved and we would have been there as the bullets were flying.

When we first started DD. I would have thrown a fit and started making demands. Hubby would have taken me by the hand, guided me over his knee and "helped" me accept his authority in the issue. I would have likely gotten a few more trips over his knee in the weeks leading up to the event for bad attitude, begging, and nagging. But I would have been sitting at home on my sore rear end when the bullets started flying and thanking God for speaking to my hubby.

A few years into our DD relationship, I would have respectfully questioned to make sure he was serious, said "yes sir" and unpacked, but I would probably have acted out and sulked enough during the lead up to the concert that he would have found it necessary to apply the hairbrush to my hiney to remind me that submission means accepting his decisions, even when I don't like them and trusting that they are best. Sulking about your hubby's choices is not really being submissive. A little heat to my seat would have gotten me back on track and I would have probably been happily blaring Jason Aldean on my phone, as I cleaned up from dinner, when the bullets started flying. In fact I probably wouldn't even have known until the next day.

Now that I'm an old pro at submitting and have been learning well from my Hubby, here is the way it went:

Hubby told me what I said earlier. I asked if he was absolutely sure, because I had really been looking forward to this concert. He said he was afraid so. I humbly accepted his decision and trusted in my heart that it was for the best. Even though I thought about the concert off and on throughout the next two weeks, each time I reminded myself that I could trust Hubby, and that God had placed him as my head, so it was natural that He would speak to Hubby about this. There must be a reason. I didn't even get upset or depressed, I just went on with my life. In fact, having what I wanted taken from me, without having any say in the matter, reminded me of my submission, and that made me feel romantic toward my strong man.

On the awful  night of the concert, I dressed in one of hubby's favorite, skimpy, outfits and we had a wonderful evening. We were in the bedroom, but definitely not sleeping, when the bullets began to fly, we were oblivious to what was happening across the country from us.  The next day Hubby left for work, instructing me to wear nothing but birthday suit and be waiting for him when he got home. He intended to have an encore.  As I went about my morning work, whistling a happy tune and feeling very lived and happy, a friend called me, frantically telling me what had happened. She said it was a miracle we hadn't gone. I turned on the TV and sure enough, the horror I had just barely missed smacked me in the face. That evening Hubby and I had a sober evening as we thought about what could have been. I cried into his strong shoulder and thanked him for being my leader and listening to God. I vowed once again to love, honor, and obey Hubby. If you had seen me crying in hubby's arms that night you would have thought that I had just gotten in big trouble and taken a very painful trip over his knee. But this time only my face was red, my bottom, though it was bare, had remained untouched. I think that is the first time I've cried that hard into Hubby's shoulder while not also sporting a sore back side. But those tears were tears of sorrow for those who had been attacked, and relief and joy that we were safely in our NY home.

Yes DD just may have saved our lives!

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New Research on DD

PLEASE NOTE: A reader pointed out to me that the link to the study is now dead. indeed it is. It seems to have been scrubbed from the site...