******************** A Mentor Saves a Marriage******************

I went to a friend's house, whose marriage I had long admired, and she warmly welcomed me in.
Over the next week or so, This friend showed me what the Bible said about healthy marriages and Biblical submission. She was truly an example of a Titus 2 mentor to me.

I taped the contract, along with a letter explaining my new found convictions and an apology for my bad behavior. I asked him to forgive me and give DD a try. The letter ended by telling him that I was in the bedroom awaiting his response. Then I took my clothes off and waited for him to come home.
As soon as he came home I stood myself in the corner and waited. It was a long wait, but finally I heard the door open. He later told me he was shocked to see his wife standing in the corner in her birthday suit. He sat on the bed, called me over and we talked about my disrespect and the idea of DD. Then he told me to bend over his lap, I nervously complied. He proceeded to

By the time he was finished my bottom was bright pink and I was crying unrestrained. He tenderly took me into his lap and comforted me. He let me cry until I was done reassuring me of his love the whole time.
That's when I felt the strange oxymoron of being miserable (because of my sore rear end) and extremely happy inside (Because of the peace of submission) at the same time! When it was all over I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
The next morning I elatedly called my mentor friend and told her how it went. The rest of the week I felt light and breezy, I had a bubble of joy that was just itching to get out.
That was 4 years ago. I have never regretted submitting to my husband (Well, except for while I'm over his knee, or about to be there, that is). Our marriage is happier than its ever been.
My friend still mentors me and helps me to learn how best to honor my husband and raise my kids. Her wisdom is so helpful. Now other people look to me for marriage advice. And while I do tell them about being respectful and letting my husband be the head, I've never had the courage to tell about the DD component. That's why I'm glad that you're doing it, Lisa. We need more Titus 2 mentors in our world, perhaps someday I'll have the courage to be one, but I don't think I have enough experience yet!