I read this interesting article about what goes through a wife's mind when she gets in trouble. After you read it, let me know what goes through your mind when you're summoned over is knee. lisasjoydd@gmail.com
The new Feminism: Empowering women to celebrate their femininity and embrace their God given roles as submissive obedient and respectful helpmeets for their husbands.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Monday, October 30, 2017
Testimony: Thank God for Mentors
******************** A Mentor Saves a Marriage******************

I went to a friend's house, whose marriage I had long admired, and she warmly welcomed me in.
Over the next week or so, This friend showed me what the Bible said about healthy marriages and Biblical submission. She was truly an example of a Titus 2 mentor to me.

I taped the contract, along with a letter explaining my new found convictions and an apology for my bad behavior. I asked him to forgive me and give DD a try. The letter ended by telling him that I was in the bedroom awaiting his response. Then I took my clothes off and waited for him to come home.
As soon as he came home I stood myself in the corner and waited. It was a long wait, but finally I heard the door open. He later told me he was shocked to see his wife standing in the corner in her birthday suit. He sat on the bed, called me over and we talked about my disrespect and the idea of DD. Then he told me to bend over his lap, I nervously complied. He proceeded to

By the time he was finished my bottom was bright pink and I was crying unrestrained. He tenderly took me into his lap and comforted me. He let me cry until I was done reassuring me of his love the whole time.
That's when I felt the strange oxymoron of being miserable (because of my sore rear end) and extremely happy inside (Because of the peace of submission) at the same time! When it was all over I thanked him from the bottom of my heart.
The next morning I elatedly called my mentor friend and told her how it went. The rest of the week I felt light and breezy, I had a bubble of joy that was just itching to get out.
That was 4 years ago. I have never regretted submitting to my husband (Well, except for while I'm over his knee, or about to be there, that is). Our marriage is happier than its ever been.
My friend still mentors me and helps me to learn how best to honor my husband and raise my kids. Her wisdom is so helpful. Now other people look to me for marriage advice. And while I do tell them about being respectful and letting my husband be the head, I've never had the courage to tell about the DD component. That's why I'm glad that you're doing it, Lisa. We need more Titus 2 mentors in our world, perhaps someday I'll have the courage to be one, but I don't think I have enough experience yet!
Saturday, October 28, 2017
DD May Have Saved My Life!
DD May Have Saved My Life!
Ever since the Las Vegas Shootings I have been thinking a lot about life, and how my life is different than it was 9 years ago. I have been hesitant to write anything, because I don't want to in anyway detract from what the families of the victims are going through, nor do I want to make light of it. But had it not been for DD, Hubby and I might have been shot too.
I've always had a secret passion for country music. Of course, upstate New York is not the place you find a huge County music fan club. Some of my friends think I'm nuts! My Hubby puts up with it because he knows it makes me happy, and he loves to make me happy.
Well, when I heard that Eric Church, Sam Hunt, Jason Aldean, Jake Owen and Lee Brice were all planning to be at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, I just had to go!
Hubby said he'd always wanted to see the West, so he bought tickets and decided to take our first trip to Vegas. I had been super excited about the trip, and even planed some "special surprises" for hubby in the hotel.
But just two weeks before we were to leave, Hubby told me that he had been praying and felt impressed that we should not go. He had spend a lot of time in prayer about it and it seemed clear that, for some reason, we were not to go to this concert. I was truly disappointed. Of course, two weeks later, I was very happy that I had heeded my husband's leadership and submitted to his decision. This very well may have saved our lives. That made me think about how this would have happened in different periods of our marriage.
Before we practiced DD, if my hubby had told me that he believed we should not go, I would have thrown a fit, and demanded that he not back out. He would have caved and we would have been there as the bullets were flying.
When we first started DD. I would have thrown a fit and started making demands. Hubby would have taken me by the hand, guided me over his knee and "helped" me accept his authority in the issue. I would have likely gotten a few more trips over his knee in the weeks leading up to the event for bad attitude, begging, and nagging. But I would have been sitting at home on my sore rear end when the bullets started flying and thanking God for speaking to my hubby.
A few years into our DD relationship, I would have respectfully questioned to make sure he was serious, said "yes sir" and unpacked, but I would probably have acted out and sulked enough during the lead up to the concert that he would have found it necessary to apply the hairbrush to my hiney to remind me that submission means accepting his decisions, even when I don't like them and trusting that they are best. Sulking about your hubby's choices is not really being submissive. A little heat to my seat would have gotten me back on track and I would have probably been happily blaring Jason Aldean on my phone, as I cleaned up from dinner, when the bullets started flying. In fact I probably wouldn't even have known until the next day.
Now that I'm an old pro at submitting and have been learning well from my Hubby, here is the way it went:
Hubby told me what I said earlier. I asked if he was absolutely sure, because I had really been looking forward to this concert. He said he was afraid so. I humbly accepted his decision and trusted in my heart that it was for the best. Even though I thought about the concert off and on throughout the next two weeks, each time I reminded myself that I could trust Hubby, and that God had placed him as my head, so it was natural that He would speak to Hubby about this. There must be a reason. I didn't even get upset or depressed, I just went on with my life. In fact, having what I wanted taken from me, without having any say in the matter, reminded me of my submission, and that made me feel romantic toward my strong man.
On the awful night of the concert, I dressed in one of hubby's favorite, skimpy, outfits and we had a wonderful evening. We were in the bedroom, but definitely not sleeping, when the bullets began to fly, we were oblivious to what was happening across the country from us. The next day Hubby left for work, instructing me to wear nothing but birthday suit and be waiting for him when he got home. He intended to have an encore. As I went about my morning work, whistling a happy tune and feeling very lived and happy, a friend called me, frantically telling me what had happened. She said it was a miracle we hadn't gone. I turned on the TV and sure enough, the horror I had just barely missed smacked me in the face. That evening Hubby and I had a sober evening as we thought about what could have been. I cried into his strong shoulder and thanked him for being my leader and listening to God. I vowed once again to love, honor, and obey Hubby. If you had seen me crying in hubby's arms that night you would have thought that I had just gotten in big trouble and taken a very painful trip over his knee. But this time only my face was red, my bottom, though it was bare, had remained untouched. I think that is the first time I've cried that hard into Hubby's shoulder while not also sporting a sore back side. But those tears were tears of sorrow for those who had been attacked, and relief and joy that we were safely in our NY home.
Yes DD just may have saved our lives!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Another Testimony, A misunderstood wife!
A FB friend sent me this testimony about her submissive relationship. Lets all remember that our lifestyle is not well understood, so we ladies must stick together! Send me your stories lisasjoydd@gmail.com
***Happy, Misunderstood Wife***
[Being an obedient wife] isn't becoming more popular here in Canada at all. The common attitude here, even among my Christian, and Born Again friends, is that i am a slave, and that my Husband is a tyrant. Although not christian myself, i fully agree with what you are saying. i try to explain that, slaves are those kept against their will. i am free to leave anytime i wish, but i wish to stay. As for my Husband, he treats me like pure gold. He is chivalrous, gentle spoken, honest, loyal, respectful, and a gorgeous man, who loves and protects me, from my own worst enemy, myself. i have a similar experience to you, having been a bit of a tyrant in my early years. i watched my mother, a very strong woman, who was the happy house wife, until my father got very ill, and was unable to work to support the family. My mom became the head of the house and family, and she slowly self destructed. i was growing up in those years, and seeing her strength, requiring some of that myself. i borrowed her strength, and followed her ways. By the time i met my Husband, my father had died, and my mother was remarried, and accustomed to leading the family. She bossed my beloved stepfather around, and i played "monkey see, monkey do" in all my relationships. Then, early in my Husband's courting of me, i had a chat with my stepfather. He adored my mother, but was miserable, because she was "impossible to love". i knew my Husband (boyfriend at the time) was the one for me, and i could not do to him, what my mother did to my stepfather. In the beginning, i observed my Husband closely, learning as many of his likes and dislikes as i could without asking for his guidance. Then, when we were to be married, i told him of my plan, and hoped he would agree. At first, he was completely against it. He too was brought up in the modern way, where all women and men are equal. To this i say, we are all equal in our strengths, but those strengths, are clearly different. We were never meant to be the same. We were meant to be opposites, with equal value. A woman should never compete with a man, she should help him to compete with the rest of this sometimes horrible modern world, to be his best. That is when a woman is at her best. No one believes me when i tell them that we never fight. i try to explain, fighting is for those who wish to be right. i wish to be happy. We discuss everything, and sometimes we disagree, but we never fight, because in 23 years, he has never led us down a wrong path, and has never abused his power over me. So i will always do everything in my power, to keep a smile on his face. Because he puts a smile on my face. That's love to me.Monday, October 23, 2017
Even the Feminists have to agree...
Even the feminists have to agree, when confronted with the research data: Traditional marriage roles lead to more happiness. But they explain it away by saying the society hasn't yet evolved far enough for women to rid themselves of stereotypes.
I beg to differ. Women who choose to submit to their hubby's are the ones who are ridiculed these days. Feminist propaganda is force fed girls from infancy, and any word to the contrary is shut down. Yet, left to their own desires, women keep reverting to wanting traditional roles. Deep down inside women still want a man to love, protect and guide them, even if they don't realize it. And the research keeps confirming this.
Many women, like me, who fully embrace feminism have found themselves miserable. Unfortunately, few women ever wake up to the reality that they can solve their misery by being feminine instead of feminist. By finding a good man and then submitting to him, these women can be free of their misery, and find the joy, peace and freedom God designed for them.
Here's another interesting article by pro-feminists, having to admit to these facts and trying to explain them away. Have fun!
I beg to differ. Women who choose to submit to their hubby's are the ones who are ridiculed these days. Feminist propaganda is force fed girls from infancy, and any word to the contrary is shut down. Yet, left to their own desires, women keep reverting to wanting traditional roles. Deep down inside women still want a man to love, protect and guide them, even if they don't realize it. And the research keeps confirming this.
Many women, like me, who fully embrace feminism have found themselves miserable. Unfortunately, few women ever wake up to the reality that they can solve their misery by being feminine instead of feminist. By finding a good man and then submitting to him, these women can be free of their misery, and find the joy, peace and freedom God designed for them.
Here's another interesting article by pro-feminists, having to admit to these facts and trying to explain them away. Have fun!
Women are still Women and men, men: research shows.
In a recent article on Fox News, Suzanne Venker cites new research showing that even in the face of a full on attack on traditional marital roles, women still tend to like the "old fashioned" femininity.
Venker says, "That is not to say no married couple can successfully navigate a role reversal. It is only to say that it’s rare. Even today, approximately 30 percent of married women with children choose not to be employed— and in families where both parents are employed, “70 percent consist of fathers who earn more than mothers.”
That’s because it’s natural for a woman to want to depend on her man, and it is not natural for a man to depend on a woman. No matter how hard that is to hear, or how politically incorrect it may be, it still stands."
Venker is correct. God made women and men different. And it is devaluing to women to deny that!
In fact research done by the University of Illinois, showed a "a statistically significant and substantial difference in depressive symptoms between men and women in our study,” (Karen Kramer, University of Illinois). This difference was that women were less happy when they were not on traditional roles. Depression rose as women's salary did, while men, had the most happiness and mental health when their incomes rose.
Venker concludes: Societal attitudes may have changed, but human nature has not. Perhaps it’s time we surrendered."
That's exactly what I advocate in this blog. Let's make the new feminism one where women are proud of their unique abilities and value their husbands' as well!
Read the whole article here
Friday, October 13, 2017
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Old Fashioned Women - "Housewife Superstars "
Here's more evidence that women are rejecting the lie of feminism. Join the club, it's great here!
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
I have really been enjoying Lori Alexander's blog, thetransformedwife.com. Here's another exellent article by Lori.
Read the full article here
Read the full article here

There are two very famous men who hearkened to the voice of their wives and caused much devastation as a result. The first man was Adam who listened to his wife and ate of the forbidden fruit. When God found Adam, He said to him, “Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree…” (Genesis 3:17) and then God gave the consequences of listening to his wife. Thus, the world was cast into sin.
The other famous man was Abraham who knew that God told him he would be a father of many nations yet had no child so Sarah suggested he sleep with the maid to have a child. “And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarah” (Genesis 16:2) and did what she suggested which became part of the lineage of those who fight against God’s chosen people, Israel.
Often when I teach about women being submissive to their husbands and obeying them “as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord…” (1 Peter 3:6), they want to find wiggle room in this by saying that they have a right to state their thoughts and opinions. “‘Without the word’ doesn’t mean we can’t say anything!” I believe God’s intention for us as wives is to obey with gentle, quiet, and submissive spirits as unto the Lord. I believe this is His perfect will for us.
Does this mean we can’t give our thoughts and suggestions? [MORE...]
Bashing men is fine and dandy
Another excellent article from the Transformed wife. https://thetransformedwife.com/bashing-men-is-fine-and-dandy/

Can you imagine what the outcry from women would be if it read: “Women are Like Fine Wine; they start out as grapes and it’s up to men to stomp the c*** out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with”? Of course, no one would put up with that but neither should we put up with the way men are continually being bashed in our culture. The reason women get away with bashing men and men can’t is because most women are ruled by their emotions and feelings and most men are not. Women would be screaming bloody murder if men wrote the same things about women.

Can you imagine what the outcry from women would be if it read: “Women are Like Fine Wine; they start out as grapes and it’s up to men to stomp the c*** out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with”? Of course, no one would put up with that but neither should we put up with the way men are continually being bashed in our culture. The reason women get away with bashing men and men can’t is because most women are ruled by their emotions and feelings and most men are not. Women would be screaming bloody murder if men wrote the same things about women.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Tears of Joy

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Testimony: DD, a Family Affair
Earlier this year I posted a question about how people practice DD with children in the home. I got many great answers, many of them I pasted into that post. But one seemed unique and rather long. SO I posted a part of it there and have posted the whole thing as a testimony, here:
Dearest Lisa, I do not understand what the issue is here. As I've read the replies of your readers it looks like they all have very creative ways of keeping secrets from their children, but why? If DD is the way God designed that marriages should be happy, shouldn't we want to be good role models to our children?
My husband and I started DD far before it was a "thing." We found the Biblical counsel and tried it and found the positive results that everyone on this page knows so well. When we had our first child we never considered hiding
s from her, anymore than we would hide, hugs, kisses and complements. After all DD is just another expression of love "whom the Lord LOVES, he rebukes and chastens." In fact 3 days after she was born, my husband soundly
right in front of her. After he finished, I had to stand in the corner while I nursed her.
Another time I had enabled my three girls to disobey their father. He had all four of us strip from the waist down and stand in time out against the wall. Then he called us out of the corner, one by one youngest to oldest and
us. The girl's
was worse than her younger sister. when it was my turn he tanned my hide even harder. That day all the feminine bottoms were sore and all the feminine eyes puffy.
We have raised five children, three girls and two boys. We raised them in a very loving home where there was a clear role order. The kids didn't think it was strange when I was
anymore than when they were. We taught then that discipline was kept in the family and that they were never to speak of it outside our family.
We had a very authority structure. I was over the kids, my husband was over me, and God was over him. As a stay at home mom I was the most common one to
the kids, although my husband did so when needed, especially if they disrespected me. My husband was the only one to
me. When the older children got old enough to babysit their siblings, they were permitted to
their siblings only when I or my husband had set them in charge. The only question that the kids often asked was "who
s Daddy?" We would respond that God is the one who dicsiplines daddy.
When our boys reached puberty, my husband took a stronger role in their dicsipline, and
became less common. He favored punishments that better reflected how a man is corrected, including fines, restriction, and extra hard-work. He trained them to be fine, strong men, who are not fine strong husbands and fathers. Our girls were subject to our paddle until they got married, at which time their discipliin would be handled by their new husband, for better or worse.
Our children grew up happy and healthy. Our family was admired by all around, and many a jealous parent, would bemoan her bad fortune in not having such well behaved, happy kids and me.
Four of the five kids sought out spouses who would continue the DD lifestyle. It was funny seeing the looks in our girl's suitors' faces when they learned about DD. Many cut off relationships, over it, but eventually our two youngest daughters found wonderful, strong men who would truly love them As God intends. At their weddings, my husband gave each girl a final ceremonial
(not too painful) before she put on her wedding dress, then as they left for their honeymoon he ceremonially transferred discipliin authority to their husband by handing him a paddle. Our youngest got a
on her wedding night.
We were surprised how easy it was for our son's girlfriends to accept the idea of DD. Our sons are such gentlemen that these young ladies fully trusted their them, and the thought of having them discipline them after marriage gave them peace. In cafe one of them, began crying when they heard about it and said she wished her family had cared that much for her. She didn't want to wait until the wedding to enter into DD, but she had too. On their wedding nights our boys both established DD by
their wives as soon as they were undressed from their wedding gown.
All four of these couples have practiced DD openly in their home from the beginning and have amazing marriages and wonderful kids.
Our eldest child, was the only one to protest. She didn't think it was fair that her younger brother didn't get
(very often) after he passed puberty while she still faced the paddle as long as she was in our house. She believed the feminist lies and while she didn't really resent being
, per se, she resented the difference that was made between boys and girls. So she ended up leaving the home at 18 and going to college in another state. When she would come home on breaks she made it clear that, as a legal adult, she would not consent to DD. She found and married a weak man who let her rule the roost and never even told him about DD. She had kids whom she refused to physically discipline as well. Her's was a stress -filled marriage and her kids were disobedient, and unhappy. She had an amazing career and made lots of money; but money didn't buy happiness. While she still loved our family, she refused any advice, I would offer, so I finally gave up offering it. Eventually her marriage fell apart. She divorced him, then she married another man like the first. Only 2 years after that marriage, her second husband left and divorced her, thankfully there were no children born in that marriage. My daughter came crying to me. "What can I do? My life's a wreck." I told her, "I think you know what you need to do, but you have to be willing to submit." Broken, she repented, accepted Jesus' salvation and submitted again to her father's discipline. She began to see amazing changes. She felt the need to repent to her husbands too. Her second husband refused to hear her. But her first husband saw the change in her life and happily forgave her. As they interacted over their children's needs he saw a completely different woman than the one who had divorced him. This time she was the sweet girl he had fallen in love with when they were high school sweethearts. They began dating again and she told him about domestic dicsipline. They were re-married 18 months later in a private ceremony for the family at our house. She asked her daddy to give her a ceremonial
before she got her wedding gown on, just like her sisters had gotten. Then instead of waiting for after the reception to transfer authority, she asked her daddy, my husband, to give her the paddle he had
her with. He thought that was strange, but gave it to her anyway. She carried it up the isle. When it was her turn to say her vows, she went off script. First she addressed the family gathered there. She apologized to my husband and me for resisting discipliin and being so hard headed. She apologized to her siblings, nieces and nephews for setting a bad example and said, "Let my sad life be an example to you all of what worldly values can bring." Then she apologized to her children for causing them such pain and not properly disciplininng them. There was not a dry eye in the house. Finally she turned to her husband and apologized to him. Then she said her vows. She vowed to love, honor, and obey him. She also vowed to humbly submit to him and his discipliin. "When I first got married, I took the paddle from my daddy and kept it for myself. I wanted my own way. Now I, by my own will, hand it over to you." she said handing him the paddle her daddy had just ceremonially
her with. Turning to her brother, who was the officiating minister, she said, "In light of the vows I have broken in the past and the vows I have made today, I think it's important to begin this marriage, the second time, with a clean slate. So instead of saying "You may kiss your bride," please say "You may
your bride" As we saw he humbly submit to her husband, there was not a dry eye in the house. That was especially true for my oldest daughter who soon had two reasons to cry. Because as soon has they exchanges rings, her brother said, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now
your bride." Her husband took her by the hand and led her to a chair where he proceeded to uncover her bottom and give her the
of her life in front of the whole family. After the
, her husband led her, still bawling and doing a
dance, to the front, where her brother made the traditional introduction "It is my pleasure to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. ******." We all cheered and he took her to the bedroom to comfort her after her
They now have a wonderful marriage and their children have become happier and better behaved children now that they have their own dicsipline, and with happy parents with a mom who submits. Their children say they don't want it any other way. As for my daughter and her husband, they seem to be making up for lost time. she gets at least one
a week. I think she is kind of turned on by being over his knee, because I've seen her act up, seemingly just to tease him.
Now all my family openly practices DD. and although I've even been
in front of my grand children, and I have no doubt that my husband would not hesitate to do so again if needed.
I hope this helps answer your question.
--Happy Grandma!
Dearest Lisa, I do not understand what the issue is here. As I've read the replies of your readers it looks like they all have very creative ways of keeping secrets from their children, but why? If DD is the way God designed that marriages should be happy, shouldn't we want to be good role models to our children?
My husband and I started DD far before it was a "thing." We found the Biblical counsel and tried it and found the positive results that everyone on this page knows so well. When we had our first child we never considered hiding

Another time I had enabled my three girls to disobey their father. He had all four of us strip from the waist down and stand in time out against the wall. Then he called us out of the corner, one by one youngest to oldest and

We have raised five children, three girls and two boys. We raised them in a very loving home where there was a clear role order. The kids didn't think it was strange when I was

We had a very authority structure. I was over the kids, my husband was over me, and God was over him. As a stay at home mom I was the most common one to

When our boys reached puberty, my husband took a stronger role in their dicsipline, and

Our children grew up happy and healthy. Our family was admired by all around, and many a jealous parent, would bemoan her bad fortune in not having such well behaved, happy kids and me.
Four of the five kids sought out spouses who would continue the DD lifestyle. It was funny seeing the looks in our girl's suitors' faces when they learned about DD. Many cut off relationships, over it, but eventually our two youngest daughters found wonderful, strong men who would truly love them As God intends. At their weddings, my husband gave each girl a final ceremonial

We were surprised how easy it was for our son's girlfriends to accept the idea of DD. Our sons are such gentlemen that these young ladies fully trusted their them, and the thought of having them discipline them after marriage gave them peace. In cafe one of them, began crying when they heard about it and said she wished her family had cared that much for her. She didn't want to wait until the wedding to enter into DD, but she had too. On their wedding nights our boys both established DD by

All four of these couples have practiced DD openly in their home from the beginning and have amazing marriages and wonderful kids.
Our eldest child, was the only one to protest. She didn't think it was fair that her younger brother didn't get

They now have a wonderful marriage and their children have become happier and better behaved children now that they have their own dicsipline, and with happy parents with a mom who submits. Their children say they don't want it any other way. As for my daughter and her husband, they seem to be making up for lost time. she gets at least one

Now all my family openly practices DD. and although I've even been

I hope this helps answer your question.
--Happy Grandma!
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New Research on DD
PLEASE NOTE: A reader pointed out to me that the link to the study is now dead. indeed it is. It seems to have been scrubbed from the site...